Do you find spam form submissions from email IDs like [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected]? No one would want to fill in their list with spam entries. It will be smarter to block such entries; since they are nothing, but a spam attack.
While enabling this feature can be good in order to stop spammers registering automatically and spamming you from within the site, you can also control different groups of people coming to your website or getting benefits such as newsletter subscription and freebies. With the latest disable domain feature, you can block users having an email ID from a particular domain.
Let us take a look at how you can enable the Disable Domain in Convert Plus.
Go to Convert Plus Dashboard -> Modules -> Advanced Settings
Enable the “Disable Domain” option as seen in the screenshot below. You can enter a single domain or multiple domains separated by a comma.
Save changes and you are done!
Note: It will be wise to not disallow domains like, and, among others because lots of people use email IDs belonging to those domains. If you block those domains, you may a see a considerable reduction in the number of submissions.
- This is a global setting and therefore will affect all the opt-in forms created using Convert Plus.