Convert Plus allows you to display or hide Specific Popups depending on the URL parameters set.
In order to proceed, first, you need to create a new popup for this purpose.
You will need the things mentioned below:
- Your style ID – You have two ways to look up to your style ID in Convert Plus. Screenshot one or Screenshot two
- Your URL parameter – RetrieveURL parameter using $_GET attribute. For Eg. $_GET[‘param1’]
Add below code to your theme’s functions.php file,
1) Example to display Popup A if param1 is present in your page URL.
function cp_callback_function( $display, $style_id ) { if( $display ) { // Replace style id with your style ID if( $style_id == 'cp_id_75944' ) { // get URl parameter. $parameter1 = isset( $_GET['param1'] ) ? $_GET['param1'] : ''; // Custom code. if( $parameter1 ){ $display = true; }else{ $display = false; } } } return $display; } add_filter( 'cp_target_url_settings', 'cp_callback_function', 10, 3 );
2) Example to hide Popup A if param1 is present in your page URL.
function cp_callback_function( $display, $style_id ) { if( $display ) { // Replace style id with your style ID if( $style_id == 'cp_id_75944' ) { // get URl parameter. $parameter1 = isset( $_GET['param1'] ) ? $_GET['param1'] : ''; // Custom code. if( $parameter1 ){ $display = false; }else{ $display = true; } } } return $display; } add_filter( 'cp_target_url_settings', 'cp_callback_function', 10, 3 );