How to Show or Hide Convert Plus Module if Specific URL parameters are set?

Available from version 3.3.2

Convert Plus allows you to display or hide Specific Popups depending on the URL parameters set.

In order to proceed, first, you need to create a new popup for this purpose.

You will need the things mentioned below:

  • Your style ID – You have two ways to look up to your style ID in Convert Plus. Screenshot one or Screenshot two
  • Your URL parameter – RetrieveURL parameter using $_GET attribute. For Eg. $_GET[‘param1’]

Add below code to your theme’s functions.php file,

1) Example to display Popup A if param1 is present in your page URL.

function cp_callback_function( $display, $style_id ) {
    if( $display ) {
        // Replace style id with your style ID
        if( $style_id == 'cp_id_75944' ) {
            // get URl parameter.
            $parameter1 = isset( $_GET['param1'] ) ? $_GET['param1'] : '';
            // Custom code.
            if( $parameter1 ){                
                $display = true;
                $display = false;

    return $display;
add_filter( 'cp_target_url_settings', 'cp_callback_function', 10, 3 );

2) Example to hide Popup A if param1 is present in your page URL.

function cp_callback_function( $display, $style_id ) {
    if( $display ) {
        // Replace style id with your style ID
        if( $style_id == 'cp_id_75944' ) {
            // get URl parameter.
            $parameter1 = isset( $_GET['param1'] ) ? $_GET['param1'] : '';
            // Custom code.
            if( $parameter1 ){                
                $display = false;
                $display = true;

    return $display;
add_filter( 'cp_target_url_settings', 'cp_callback_function', 10, 3 );
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